Physical activity and exercise prescription: basic concepts

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Andrea Itzel Mendoza Vázquez


Obesity is a problem that worries today’s society, in part because of the “perfect body” ideals seen in runway models and in television commercials. But obesity also leads to health-related problems. In this sense, it is essential to work on the prevention of obesity, raising awareness among health professionals, pediatricians, nurses, including teachers and parents, of the importance of nutrition education for children from the earliest ages, highlighting that physical activity is essential to maintain health and prevent diseases, including obesity, since its regular practice can prolong life expectancy, taking into account that its benefits range from physiological, psychological and social aspects. Therefore, the following work defines the most relevant concepts about physical activity as well as its prescription to the public from a medical point of view.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Vázquez, A. I. (2022). Physical activity and exercise prescription: basic concepts. Psic-Obesidad, 11(41).

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