Empatia in emergency health personnel

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Karen Anel Cruz Vázquez


This article addresses how empathy is indispensable for the health care professional, which involves active listening to what the patient says and observing what he expresses without words, including gestures, attitudes, tones of voice, emphasis, silences that allows to feel the emotion that the patient is feeling, in this sense, empathy is a skill in which the emotional state perceived by the health professional. The characteristics of empathy, from the neurological bases, are also mentioned with evidence with neuroimaging, behavioral and learning tools, as well as some of the definitions that make it clearer what empathy involves in the professional work of health personnel, thus emphasizing the necessary training of professionals with empathy, since it is through the training of future doctors and the benefit of the patients who will be cared for by them.


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How to Cite
Cruz Vázquez, K. A. (2021). Empatia in emergency health personnel. Psic-Obesidad, 10(39). https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2020.10.39.80510

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