Food and eating disorders in Covid-19

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Maricruz Morales Salinas


During 2020, the health alert that originated from the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus outbreak, has resulted in alterations worldwide, since a pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization, in mid-March of the same year. It interfered in the routines of the world population, COVID-19 has caused havoc in the care of patients with previous mental pathologies, which has generated an increase in levels not only of anxiety, but also of depression, impulsivity, emotional dysregulation, deterioration in the functionality of individuals and even the presence of suicidal ideation. The population is considered vulnerable to COVID-19 disease, due to the difficulties that may arise in dealing with the aspects of mandatory confinement, such as the stress caused by doubts or concerns related to the disease, although it is not the only population that is subject to these characteristics. Therefore, it has become necessary to carry out a review of scientific articles on the subject of eating and the disorders associated with the COVID-19 outbreak, bearing in mind how confinement has had an impact not only on patients with a diagnosis of some type of disorder. Eating behavior if not in the general population. With this objective, the review of scientific publications was carried out during 2020, highlighting some of the factors related to the health condition.


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How to Cite
Morales Salinas, M. (2021). Food and eating disorders in Covid-19. Psic-Obesidad, 10(40).

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