The fundamental Re-writing: Religious Texts and Contemporary Narrative

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Horácio Costa


Horàcio Costa in this essay focused in three novels that have parody, the literary mechanism par excellence to enhance this uneven man-God dialogue, this individual-institutional interchange. With the private ritual of reading substituting many public rituals and the progressive transfer of authority to individuals from institutions, cleaning up the mechanics of religion through novels like Live From Golgotha, The Satanic Verses and O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo point to the reader fictional and actual ways of wondering on the space that the religious narrations occupied in the forging of civilization and of themselves.

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Cómo citar
Costa, H. (2012). The fundamental Re-writing: Religious Texts and Contemporary Narrative. Poligrafías. Revista De Teoría Literaria Y Literatura Comparada, (1). Recuperado a partir de

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