Potential Assessment of Rural Tourism in the Municipality of Santa Elena, Yucatan

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Martha Verónica Macías Aguilar
Rosa Isela Fernández Xicotencatl
Alfonso Munguía Gil


This research aims to evaluate the feasibility of promoting rural tourism in the municipality of SantaElena, Yucatán, as well as to identify the positive and negative impacts that this activity could generate. The methodology applied is qualitative by using direct observation techniques, in-depth interviews and participatory action research (PAR). The results show that it is feasible to develop rural tourism projects in the municipality as long as there are social leaders, tour-operators, ejidatarios (communal land holders) and the general population. A fundamental aspect is respecting and understanding the way of life of its inhabitants, with effective and continuous training for touristic operators, and to involve the community in general in the knowledge of their culture and natural wealth to achieve an active perseverance of their resources.


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How to Cite
Macías Aguilar, M. V., Fernández Xicotencatl, R. I., & Munguía Gil, A. (2021). Potential Assessment of Rural Tourism in the Municipality of Santa Elena, Yucatan. Península, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2021.16.2.80125

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