State Terrorism In Argentina. Tensions Between Dominant And Local Memories

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Vanesa Garbero


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the local memories of the inhabitants of neighborhoods surrounding a former clandestine center in the city of Cordoba and their relationship to state terrorism. We seek to show that, despite the existence of a policy that attempts to institutionalize these memories, the processes that construct meanings related to the recent past are still open and are characterized by conflict and diversity. Memories show meanings permeated by the assumptions of the “theory of two demons” rather than the dominant memories held by Argentinians nowadays.


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How to Cite
Garbero, V. (2017). State Terrorism In Argentina. Tensions Between Dominant And Local Memories. Península, 12(1).

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Author Biography

Vanesa Garbero

Centro de Investigaciones y Estudio sobre Cultura y Sociedad (conicet y unc) y Universidad de Buenos Aires.