The Social Construction Of Memory In The Space: A Sociological Approach

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Edith Kuri Pineda


The field of collective memory is one of the most discussed subjects within the broad field of the social sciences in the last few decades. The aim of this paper is to introduce a theoretical discussion on the social construction of memory and its connection with the concept of space. In this work, I develop the way the memory is constructed in everyday life based upon intersubjective relationships, social practices, power, culture and historicity. In the same sense, I present the mode in which space and memory are linked conceptually and how such a connection has a sensory, symbolic and political dimension. I will also analyze how a diversity of social and political actors carry out a political and symbolic struggle in the public space in order to engrave in it memory, creating thus a vision of the past.


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How to Cite
Kuri Pineda, E. (2017). The Social Construction Of Memory In The Space: A Sociological Approach. Península, 12(1).

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Author Biography

Edith Kuri Pineda

Coordinación de Sociología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco.