Para servir a dios y a la costumbre: Los maxtoles o maestros de coro entre los chuj de Huehuetenango, Guatemala

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Ruth Piedrasanta Herrera


Among the chuj people, the maxtoles or choir teachers are religious specialist whose activities are specially related to funerary rituals. This essay concerns the great syncretic-religious power that they had built through centuries. With this objective some conceptions about death and the consideration that deceased people deserved are reviewed in two historie chuj towns: San Mateo Ixtatán and San Sebastián Coatán


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How to Cite
Piedrasanta Herrera, R. (2006). Para servir a dios y a la costumbre: Los maxtoles o maestros de coro entre los chuj de Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Peninsula, 1(1).

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