Apuntes sobre la variación dialectal en el maya yucateco

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Barbara Blaha Pfeiler
Andrew Hofling


For the first time in Mayan linguistic studies a systematic research on Yukatek dialectology has been applied throughout the Península of Yucatan. Linguists have considered this region as the most homogeneous in the Mayan linguistic family, however our study demonstrate tendencies toward dialect diversity in the Eastern part of the Península. Research results are supported by the speakers showing a high consciousness of this linguistic variation


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How to Cite
Blaha Pfeiler, B., & Hofling, A. (2006). Apuntes sobre la variación dialectal en el maya yucateco. Península, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/cephcis.25942743e.2006.1.1.44305

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