Derechos colectivos vs derechos humanos: ¿Una aporía ante el liberalismo?

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Carlos Juan Núñez Rodríguez


The aim of this paper is to analyze the work of Luis Villoro on the issue of multiculturlism, it is assumed that there is a posible difficulty in its theorethical approach, which is in the very conception of multiculturalism as radical liberalism, because on the one side seems that multiculturalism would have to raise a critique of liberal thought and practice, but other states would have to find concrete Villoro, such practices. Aporia also expresser definitevily in the opposition between individual rights (human rights) and collective rights. A question arises Is it posible within liberalism, from the advocacy of individual, raise collective rights? We must analyze in what sense this autor remains trapped in this aporia or can overcome.

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How to Cite
Núñez Rodríguez, C. J. (2016). Derechos colectivos vs derechos humanos: ¿Una aporía ante el liberalismo?. Murmullos Filosoficos, 4(9), 93–108. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Carlos Juan Núñez Rodríguez, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Azcapotzalco

Tiene estudios de Post-Doctorado por el Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe (CIALC), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y de Doctorado en Estudios Organizacionales por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM). Profesor Investigador de la UAM Azcapotzalco. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel I. Departamento de Administración. Área: Estado, Gobierno y Políticas Públicas. Correo electrónico: <>