About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The magazine Murmullos Filosóficos is of informative nature, it explores subjects that refer to the teaching and diffusion of philosophy, updating of contents and philosophical and/or humanistic subjects.
Peer Review Process
The articles received will be submitted to a dictamination process and must possess the following characteristics:
- The length of the articles must be from 5 to 10 pages long (either for the Dossier or for each one of the sections: Murmullos Literarios; De política y cotidianeidad or Poiesis). They must be written in Word format, Arial Font 12 points, line spacing 1.5.
- If the text has any embedded images, these must be authorized or licensed, whether they are graphs, images, tables, photographs or maps.
- All texts must be unpublished and subjected to a double blind dictamination. In case of having two contradictory dictaminations, a third one will take place. The dictamination will take place in a period of no more than 30 days. Reception and revision of a text do not necessarily result in its publication.
- The articles must include an abstract and key words. Both must be written in English and in Spanish, including the heading of the text.
- Besides the file with the text that will be subject to a dictamination process, a second file with an email and a curricular synthesis of no more than five lines must be included.
- The sources of the textual references should be indicated in the APA system: the surname of the author, source publication year and page number where the quote was taken from. Example: Beuchot (2009:23).
- Bibliographical references will be written down at the end of the document in the following way: Beuchot, M (2009) La hermenéutica en la Edad Media. México: UNAM, IIF, 2009.
- Book reviews must have an extension of 3 to 5 pages and must be recent texts (at least three years should have passed since the publishing date of the book and of this publication). The Editorial Board will decide how suitable the text is for publication according to the topics of each magazine issue.
Open Access Policy
This magazine provides free open access to its contents as long as every research is made public for free. This promotes a wider exchange of global knowledge.
About plagiarism
Review this link: plagio
About ethical code
Review this link: Ética Académica de la UNAM
About responsabilities
Behavior and responsibilities of the Editorial Board
- The description of the peer reviewing process is defined by the Editorial Board with the intention of disclosing the evaluation criteria to the authors. The Editorial Board will always be ready to justify any controversy in the evaluation process.
Roles and responsibilities of the Editor
- The editor must be held accountable for everything published in the magazine. He should make his best effort to satisfy the needs of authors and readers, to improve the magazine, ensure the good quality of the material he publishes, and to promote academic and scientific standards. On the other hand, the editor should be ready to publish amendments and corrections; withdrawals and apologies whenever necessary.
- The decision the editor takes when accepting or rejecting a text for publication should exclusively be based on the importance of the article, its originality, clarity and pertinence for the magazine.
- The editor commits himself to guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process. He will not be allowed to reveal the identity of the authors to the reviewers; nor can he reveal the identity of the reviewers in any case.
- The editor has the responsibility of deciding himself what articles can be accepted by the magazine and the Editorial Board will take the final decision regarding the articles which are to be published.
- The editor is accountable for duly informing the author about the phase of the publishing process his text is in, as well as to the resolutions of the dictamination.
- An editor must evaluate the manuscripts and their intellectual contents without taking into consideration the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, nationality or political philosophy.
- Neither the editor nor the editorial board are allowed to disclose any information of the manuscript to anyone except the author, reviewer, potential reviewers or editorial advisors.
- All the unpublished materials disclosed in a received manuscript will not be used for an editor´s personal investigations without the author’s previous consent, stated in written form. Privileged information or ideas obtained in the peer review process shall be confidential and will not be used by anyone to gain any personal advantage. The editors must take just and impartial decisions and must guarantee a just and adequate peer review.
Responsibilities of the authors
- The authors must guarantee that their manuscripts are their own original work and that all information has been obtained in an ethical way. They must also guarantee that their work has not been previously published or are not being considered for another publication. A text will be considered as previously published when any of the following situations takes place:
1) When the full text has been published.
2) When long extracts of previously published materials are part of the text sent to the magazine.
3) When the text sent to the magazine is contained in memories published in extenso.
4) These criteria are referred to previous publications in printed or electronic form in and in any language.
- If they want to be published, the authors must strictly follow the norms for publication defined by the Editorial Board.
- The authors will send an original article to the magazine without any personal information (name, contact details, affiliation, etc.), omitting their name from the biographical references whenever it appears.
- The authors of the reports of original investigations should present a detailed description of their work, as well as an objective discussion of its relevancy. The underlying information must be accurately represented in the article. A document should have enough details and references to allow others to use the text. Inexact or fraudulent declarations constitute an unethical and unacceptable behavior.
- The authors must make sure they have finished writing the original text, and in case the authors have previously another text or some of its fragments, these must be adequately quoted. Plagiarism in any of its forms is an unethical editorial behavior that will not be accepted. In consequence, any manuscript that incurs in plagiarism will be eliminated and will not be considered for publication.
- An author should not, in general, publish the manuscripts that describe essentially the same investigation in more than a magazine or primary publication. The submission of the same manuscript to more than one magazine constitutes an unethical behavior and is unacceptable for publication.
- References must be adequately acknowledged. The authors must quote the publications that have influenced the nature of the work that has been submitted. The information that was obtained in a private way, such as in conversations, written correspondence or discussions, should not be used without explicit written permission from the source.
- Authorship should be limited to those who have done a significant contribution to the conception, design or interpretation of the study. All those who have done significant contributions should appear as co-authors. The main author or authors must make sure that all the co-authors are included in the article, and that all have seen and authorized the final version of the document and agreed upon its publication.
- All the authors should reveal in their manuscript any conflict of financial nature or any other kind of interest that could influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All the sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed. [1]
- When an author discovers a significant mistake or an inaccurate fact in his published work, it is his duty to notify the magazine editor immediately and to help him withdraw or revise the article.
Reviewer roles and responsibilities
- The reviewers are obliged to notify the magazine if they notice any unethical behavior that the authors may incur in, and to indicate any information that may justify the rejection of the publication of an article. They are also obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding any information related to the articles they evaluate.
- In order to review all texts, reviewers should keep in mind the guidelines needed to undertake this task. Such guidelines should be provided by the editor and must be considered for any evaluation.
- All selected reviewers should notify the editor as soon as possible if they are qualified to review the research of an article or if, on the contrary, they are unable to do the review.
- Any manuscript received for its revision must be treated as a confidential article. It must not be discussed with other experts or shown to them except with the author’s authorization.
- The reviewers should conduct themselves in an objective manner. Any personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. The reviewers should express their points of view clearly and using valid arguments.
- Any privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be confidential and must not be used to obtain personal advantages.
- Reviewers should not evaluate manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest.
Sources consulted:
“PUBLICATION ETHICS AND PUBLICATION MALPRACTICE STATEMENT”, Faculty of Management. <http://www.management.utm.my/es/jurnal-kemanusiaan/122-others/654-publication-ethics-and-publication-malpractice-statement.html> [Consulted on March 6, 2014]
“DECLARACIÓN DE ÉTICA Y NEGLIGENCIA PROFESIONAL”, Lengua y Habla, Revista del Centro de Investigación y Atención Lingüística C.I.A.L. <http://erevistas.saber.ula.ve/index.php/lenguayhabla/about/editorialPolicies#custom-2> [Consulted on March 6, 2014]
“ÉTICA DE PUBLICACIÓN”, Veterinaria México OA, <http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/Veterinaria-Mexico/about/editorialPolicies#custom-3> [Consulted on March 6, 2014]
[1] Para revistas médicas puede encontrarse más información sobre conductas inaceptables en la publicación científica en la Asociación Mundial de Editores Médicos (WAME), el Comité sobre Ética de Publicación (COPE) o el Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas (ICMJE).
Journal History
Murmullos Filosóficos was born as a project designed to divulge philosophical thought among high-school students. It is a commitment the CCH and UNAM have undertaken in a society experiencing a deep value crisis and facing a growing apathy and indifference towards social events; alongside with the disrepute and discredit philosophy and the humanities have experienced in the last few years. In this way, the responsibility of our institution is reaffirmed inasmuch as it produces speculations that offer new perspectives and horizons to think and reframe the relevance of philosophy.
The texts published in Murmullos Filosóficos are exclusive responsibility of their authors and their contents do not necessarily reflect the institution’s criteria