Informe sobre las universidades en Chile: prestigio, calidad y rankings en el 2009

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César García García


Chile was the first Latin American country that adopted in the 80 'a neoliberal state rationality and thus a new form of relationship with Higher Education. This new relationship has different traits, but one that acquires centrality: the predominance of private higher education and measurement of quality and prestige. Report on the universities in Chile, describes the measurement of quality and prestige of 8 universities that are created between 1842 and 1980 through three sources: the ranking of the newspaper El Mercurio, the survey-TNS What TIME, 2008 and Ranking, Web of universities (also known as webometrics).

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How to Cite
García García, C. (2011). Informe sobre las universidades en Chile: prestigio, calidad y rankings en el 2009. Matices Del Posgrado Aragón, 5(13). Retrieved from

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