Emotions and their incidence in learning a foreign language. Case in the Faculty of Languages-BUAP

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María Lilia López López
Sandra Eugenia Pérez Huerta
Carlos Alfredo Pazos Romero
María Eugenia Olivos Pérez


Emotions in the learning process have become an essential factor during the training of students during their university stay. Moreover, these are the responses to external stimuli, such as the context and the people around them. Therefore, emotions affect student motivation and subsequently their academic performance. This study has the objective of exploring and identifying the emotions experienced that have influenced the learning of a foreign language in the students of the Faculty of Languages, during their university studies, to guarantee their emotional well-being. A qualitative approach was used, using a digital questionnaire with open questions. The content analysis method helped to categorize the responses of the 95 students who shared their experiences with the mentioned topic. Enthusiasm and satisfaction are the two emotions most experienced by students during their learning process, followed by frustration due to the various challenges when they're speaking a foreign language.

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How to Cite
López López, M. L. ., Pérez Huerta, S. E. ., Pazos Romero, C. A., & Olivos Pérez, M. E. . (2024). Emotions and their incidence in learning a foreign language. Case in the Faculty of Languages-BUAP. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20070780e.2024.16.1.86718

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