Knowledge about psychological care diabetes and motivation in psychology personnel of Medical Units of Specialty in Chronic Diseases

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Athena Adoración Flores Torres
Alejandro Zamudio Zamudio Sosa
Carlos Chivardi


Objective: To evaluate the level of knowledge of psychology personnel in multidisciplinary clinics caring for patients with diabetes, to explore
the relationship between this knowledge and intrinsic motivation, and to characterize a profile of participants with adequate knowledge from
those with inadequate knowledge. Site: chronic disease specialty medical units. Participants: Random selection of health facilities forming a
sample of 20 psychologists (16 women and 8 men) with a mean age of 37.5 years. Measurements: An assessment instrument was constructed
with a hypothetical case, which was submitted to an expert judgement and its psychometric properties were obtained. The relationship
between knowledge and intrinsic motivation was explored using Spearman’s correlation and participants were categorized according to their
level of knowledge using decision trees. Results: We found that half of the psychology personnel who attended patients with diabetes did not
have the appropriated knowledge to attend this population. The psychological variables that categorized psychology staff according to level
of knowledge were the “pleasure interest” of intrinsic motivation and perceived choice. Conclusions: The level of knowledge and intrinsic motivation are variables that impact on the quality of care provided to people living with diabetes, so it is necessary to guarantee these elements through assessment strategies and trainings aimed to improve clinical competencies that promote therapeutic adherence.

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How to Cite
Flores Torres, A. A., Sosa, A. Z. Z., & Chivardi, C. (2023). Knowledge about psychological care diabetes and motivation in psychology personnel of Medical Units of Specialty in Chronic Diseases. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 15(2), 16–26. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Athena Adoración Flores Torres, Facultad de psicología, UNAM

Doctorante del Programa de Psicología y Salud (UNAM) con especial interés en el estudio de los componentes autorregulatorios y metacognitivos involucrados en la formación médica. 

Egresada de la Maestría en Medicina Conductual con especialización en la evaluación y atención de pacientes con enfermedades crónico degenerativas, especialmente en pacientes con diabetes, sobrepeso y obesidad. 

Psicoterapeuta cognitivo conductual de población adulta con problemas de ansiedad, depresión y conducta alimentaria. 

Profesora de diplomados y cursos en: Universidad Panamericana, Fundación de Atención Psicológica y Desarrollo Integral (FAPDI), División de Educación Continua UNAM (DEC), Sociedad Mexicana de Psicología (SMP).


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