An ecological analysis of an arm reaching task with older adults

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Ángel Andrés Jiménez
Pablo Covarrubias
Felipe Cabrera


Older adults sat before a table on which a plastic block was placed at different distances. In two activities we assessed the precision with which participants estimated the ‘reachability’ of the block and the modes of action employed to reach it. The distances at which the block was placed were expressed on intrinsic units as the ratio between the distance of the block and the participant’s arm length. Results showed that participants overestimated their abilities to reach. Different modes of action appeared orderly as a function of the distance of the block, suggesting that the relationship between the participant’s arm length and the distance of the block contributed to the emergence of different modes of action. When comparing the performance of older adults and young adults, it was found that older adults changed the distribution of their modes of action at closer distances than younger adults. These changes in the distribution of postural reach strategies displayed by older adults probably compensated the biomechanical limitations that arise with age.

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How to Cite
Jiménez, Ángel A., Covarrubias, P., & Cabrera, F. (2015). An ecological analysis of an arm reaching task with older adults. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 7(1), 41–53.

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