Psychometric analysis of the Stress Symptoms Inventory, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Zarit Burden Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire applied to a sample of Mexican homemakers.

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Martha Montiel Carbajal
Godeleva Rosa Ortiz Viveros
María Erika Ortega Herrera
Ulises Reyes López
Marcela Sotomayor Peterson
María Fernanda Durón Ramos


The purpose of this study was to obtain adjusted measures for a Mexican population calculating item discrimination properties, internal consistency and factor structure of four instruments:  Zarit Burden Inventory, Maslach Burnout Inventory, the General Health Questionnaire, and Stress Symptoms Inventory. The report presents the results of the analysis of psychometric properties of the four selected measures and used in a study designed to document the effect of objective workloads in Mexican homemakers over perceived workloads, burnout syndrome, general health, and stress symptoms.

Seven hundred and fifty nine participants all Mexican homemakers dedicated to at least three hours-a-day to domestic activities were included. Additionally, they were in charge of childrearing, feeding, hygiene, cleaning the house and scheduling home activities; they needed to have basic writing and reading skills. A quote of women participants from five states of Mexico, living in urban or rural zones, with single, double or triple workloads were included to the sample. Estimations included statistical procedures for item discrimination properties sticking to distribution and significant differentiation of variability; internal consistency analysis for estimation of reliability of sub-scales; exploratory factor analysis to define factorial structure. Finally, it was calculated confirmatory factor analysis to confirm construct validity.  Results showed that the instruments have adequate psychometric properties to evaluate samples of Mexican homemakers.


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How to Cite
Montiel Carbajal, M., Ortiz Viveros, G. R., Ortega Herrera, M. E., Reyes López, U., Sotomayor Peterson, M., & Durón Ramos, M. F. (2015). Psychometric analysis of the Stress Symptoms Inventory, Maslach Burnout Inventory, Zarit Burden Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire applied to a sample of Mexican homemakers. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 7(1), 25–39.

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