The role of difficulties in emotion regulation on driving behavior

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Mario Alberto Trógolo
Franco Melchior.
Leonardo Adrián Medrano


The present study tested associations among difficulties in emotion regulation and driving styles.One-hundred and thirty seven Argentinean drivers completed self-report measures of difficulties inemotion regulation and driving styles. As expected, greater difficulties in different types of emotionregulation abilities were related to anxious, angry, dissociative and risky driving. By contrast, lesserdifficulties in regulating emotions were associated with careful driving. Stepwise multiple regressionanalysis revealed a differential contribution of specific types of emotion regulation abilities toeach driving style. Importance of assessing emotional skills in candidates’ examination to obtain/renewal driving license and emotion regulation based-interventions for drivers with maladaptivedriving behaviors is emphasized. Limitations and future directions are also discussed.Keywords: Difficulties in emotion regulation, driving styles, Traffic Psychology.

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How to Cite
Trógolo, M. A., Melchior., F., & Medrano, L. A. (2014). The role of difficulties in emotion regulation on driving behavior. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 6(1), 107–117.

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Author Biographies

Mario Alberto Trógolo, Professor and Scientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21” in Argentina.

Degree: Bachelors degree in Psychology. Affiliation: Professor andScientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21” in Argentina. Line of research: emotions, emotionalregulation and its influence at the behavior related to Traffic Safety.

Franco Melchior., Scientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21, Argentina”, profesor at Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Clinical Psychologist. Therapeutic group coordinator in Therapeutic Center Dr. Máximo Ravenna.

Degree: Bachelors degree in Psychology, Universidad Católica de Córdoba.Affiliation: Scientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21, Argentina”, profesor at Universidad Católicade Córdoba. Clinical Psychologist. Therapeutic group coordinator in Therapeutic Center Dr. MáximoRavenna. Line of research: Obesity and its relationship with cognitive and emotional variables.

Leonardo Adrián Medrano, Professor and Scientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21” in Argentina. Laboratory Director of Educational and Psychological Assessment, School of Psychology, National University of Córdoba.

Degree: Bachelors degree in Psychology. Affiliation: Professor andScientific Investigator at “Universidad Siglo 21” in Argentina. Laboratory Director of Educational andPsychological Assessment, School of Psychology, National University of Córdoba. Line of research:Emotions, Motivation and Cognitive judgements in educational and clinical settings.


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