Measurement of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in students of health sciences from Northeast Mexico

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José Moral de la Rubia
Adrian Valle de la O


The aims of this paper were to describe the distribution of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay men scale (ATLG; Herek, 1984), estimate the percentages of rejection, and provide evidence regarding its concurrent validity. An incidental sample of 452 undergraduate students of health sciences was collected. The distribution of ATLG total score fitted to a normal distribution. The percentage of rejection was 18% (including 3% extreme rejection). The correlation between the ATLG total score and a homophobia scale was positive and with a large effect size. Male participants showed higher scores of open rejection toward gay men than female participants. The means of ATLG total score were higher in heterosexuals than non-heterosexuals, and in persons not having homosexual friends or relatives than in persons who did have, and in students who had started their couple sexual life than in those who had not. Hence, validity evidences were found. It is recommended the use of ATLG scale in Mexico.

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How to Cite
Moral de la Rubia, J., & Valle de la O, A. (2014). Measurement of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in students of health sciences from Northeast Mexico. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 6(1), 51–65.

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Author Biographies

José Moral de la Rubia, Professor and Scientific Investigator at the School of Psychology, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) in Monterrey, Mexico since 1999.

Degree: Doctor in Philosophy at the School of Medicine of Alcala deHenares (Madrid, Spain). Psychologist with specialty in Clinical Psychology at the School of Medicinein Alcala de Henares (Madrid, Spain). Bachelor in Psychology at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas(Madrid, Spain).  Line of research: Psychosocialvariables in health and family. Distinctions: Member of the National System of Investigators (S. N. I.),level 1, with PROMEP profile (quality-profile professor) and member of the Academic Board of Socialand Health Psychology. E-mail:

Adrian Valle de la O, Affiliation: Professor and investigatorat the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico since 2005.

Degree: Physician graduated from the School of Medicine at UniversidadAutónoma de Nuevo Leon in Monterrey (UANL), Mexico. Specialty in Internal Medicine at InstitutoTecnológico y de estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) in Monterrey, Mexico. Postgraduate certificationin Ethics at ITESM in 2007. Doctorand in the PhD program, with specialty in Psychology, at theUANL’s Graduate School of Psychology in Monterrey, Mexico. Line of Research: Negative attitudes towards gay men and lesbians in health sciences students; Neurocognitivedysfunction in people living with HIV / AIDS.


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