Behavioral strategy on nutritional educational

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Assol Cortés-Moreno
María del Refugio López Gamiño
Martha Elba Alarcón-Armendáriz
Xóchitl Torres Beltrán


A multi-program strategy on nutritional education with four levels of behavioral complexity and their effects on preferences and choices of feeding products was designed and tested in a sample of 116 scholars, aged seven to thirteen tears. A factorial design (Program -by-Grade) was employed. Second, fourth and sixth grades participants were assigned to four intervention programs; situational non instrumental, situational instrumental, extra-situational and trans-situational. Anthropometric indicators were obtained, and preference/choice of feeding products was evaluated before and after intervention. The activities corresponding to the four programs promoted different behavioral complexity levels. Programs generated changes in students'schoices and preferences, specifically with the extra-situational and trans-situational programs in fourth and sixth grades. No beneficial changes were found in any of the programs for the second grade children. Results showed the strategies promoting superior behavioral complexity levels have more impact when children have better linguistic competences.

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How to Cite
Cortés-Moreno, A., López Gamiño, M. del R., Alarcón-Armendáriz, M. E., & Torres Beltrán, X. (2009). Behavioral strategy on nutritional educational. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 1(1), 45–62.

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