Social skills and infantile stress

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Cynthia Zaira Vega Valero
Fabiola González Betanzos
Sandra Anguiano Serrano
Carlos Nava Quiroz
Rocío Soria Trujano


The purpose of this work was to evaluate the relation between children stress and social skills. Two inventories were used, the first was the Infantile Stress Inventory (ISI) organizzed in three areas: family, school, and social. The second inventory evaluated social skills, Matson Evaluation of Social Skills in Youngsters (MESSY), for students, organized in five areas, although for this study only social skills were considered. Participants were 212 children with an age range of 8 to 10 years. Results showwed significant relations between high stress and social skills, but not for low stress or no stress and social skills. Results were discussed in terms of the pertinent hypotheses and the quantitative properties of the inventories.

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How to Cite
Vega Valero, C. Z., González Betanzos, F., Anguiano Serrano, S., Nava Quiroz, C., & Soria Trujano, R. (2009). Social skills and infantile stress. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 1(1), 1–16.

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