Constructive thinking and coping stress in college students

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Ofelia Contreras Gutiérrez
Margarita Chávez Becerra
Laura Edna Aragón Borja


This research had the objective of establishing a possible relation between constructive thinking and styles of coping with stress among university students. The research was made by the use of a random sample of 184 students from three multidisciplinary UNAM campuses, 107 females and 77 males. The Questionnaire on Constructive Thinking for University Students (QCTUS) and the Scale of Coping for Adolescents (SCA) were applied. 77% of the students obtained scores between the adequate and high constructive thought ranges, while the remaining 23% qualified as low constructive thinking. Most of the students stated they use problem-solving oriented study strategies in a most often frequency (70 to 89), while unproductive strategies are rarely used (30 to 49). The analysis of relations between coping styles and constructive thinking denotes that to high constructive thinking scores correspond to high scores in the use of problem-solving oriented coping strategies, in addition a direct correlation between non-constructive thinking and unproductive coping was observed. Behavioral coping was a subscale that showed a considerable correlation with the problem-solving coping style, while the lack of emotional coping, low self-esteem, and the incapacity to overcome situations, are associated to the election of an unproductive coping style. Coping styles in relation to others is associated to behavioral coping, low self-esteem and the incapacity to overcome situations. Students exhibiting low self-esteem, and incapacity to manage their emotions, but that possessed the ability of behavioral coping, tended to look for social support networks as an alternative for coping.

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How to Cite
Contreras Gutiérrez, O., Chávez Becerra, M., & Aragón Borja, L. E. (2012). Constructive thinking and coping stress in college students. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 4(1), 39–53.

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