Intervention programs to increase physical activity among elementary and highschool children: A systematic review

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Ángel Francisco García Pacheco
María del Rocío Hernández Pozo


Absence of physical activity has been singled out as one of the predictors of obesity. Mexico occupies the second post in the world for child obesity (24.2%), this figure forces scholars and decision makers at the government, to study ways to change this tendency, given the high co-morbidity obesity plays with other public health problems of high expenditures for the country.  A critical review of interventions for increasing physical activity in children and teenagers was performed based upon empirical studies published in the last three years, employing robust measures additional to self reports in order to produce a diagnosis. Analysis of 11 studies in specialized journals published in English produced the following conclusions: Latin American countries do not consider research in physical activity a priority, most of the studies were not randomized, neither explored relationships among physiological, cognitive and behavioral variables, and there was a lack of contingencial models that could predict children physical activity.

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How to Cite
García Pacheco, Ángel F., & Hernández Pozo, M. del R. (2012). Intervention programs to increase physical activity among elementary and highschool children: A systematic review. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 3(2), 25–47.

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