Critical analysis of studies exploring self-eficacy and wellbeing associated to behavioral health

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Karina Reyes Jarquín
María del Rocío Hernández Pozo


The focus of this study was to provide a general glance of the status of Latin American empirical research dealing with the relationship between subjective wellbeing and self efficacy in association with health themes and to detect those problems that have not being explored from a Positive Psychology approach. The total sample consisted of 14 articles of empirical research that in their title, abstract or keywords presented a combination of the selected key words, published between 2000 and 2011, and recorded at the REDALYC database which encompasses scientific production of journals from Latin America, Spain and Portugal. Results showed an extremely low rate of articles from Latin America dealing with these subjects (104), in comparison with the worldwide production indexed at SCOPUS (187033).  The themes studied in those articles include: health in general, chronic diseases, fibromyalgia, sexual diseases, psychological health, physical discomfort, behavioral health and eating disorders. The study concludes that is an impressive lack of empirical research dealing with wellbeing, self efficacy and health in Latin America, and that this constitutes a very wide field for future intervention in the region.

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How to Cite
Reyes Jarquín, K., & Hernández Pozo, M. del R. (2012). Critical analysis of studies exploring self-eficacy and wellbeing associated to behavioral health. Journal of Behavior, Health & Social Issues, 3(2), 5–24.

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