
Contenido principal del artículo

Ricardo Mansilla


On May 2 of last year, the Coordination of Humanities of the UNAM began a large program of activities to commemorate the 500th anniversary of his physical disappearance. Among the actions provided was a series of lectures on the life and work of Da Vinci. Specialists from our university participated, as well as invited experts from other latitudes. Having as a seed the contributions presented at that time, the journal INTER DISCIPLINA presents, exactly one year later, a number totally dedicated to Leonardo.

It has been worth the delay of a solar cycle. The academic discussion space that was promoted a year ago has germinated in the works presented in this issue that are undoubtedly a worthy tribute to the Florentine genius.


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Cómo citar
Mansilla, R. (2020). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 8(21), 9–10. Recuperado a partir de https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/75712

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