From theatrical performance to photography: methodological challenges of an investigation into Michoacan theatre in Mexico
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This article analyzes to what extent ethnography and photography can contribute to the reconstruction of theatrical experiences in the field of public pedagogies. Photography enables a creative power from a bet of performative writing of the theatrical scene. This is based on a scene from the play Mujeres de arena presented in the city of Morelia, Michoacán. Some conceptual reflections on photography, ethnography, writing as a performative exercise and the relationship with public pedagogies are raised. Finally, it is pointed out that the reconstruction of theatrical scenes in the midst of a context of violence can draw more clearly the public pedagogies of theater in Michoacán and with it, recognize the potential of this artistic manifestation in the transmission of knowledge, in the provocation of questions about the world, in the possibility of challenging established conceptions, in the awakening of conscience and, above all, in promoting critical reflection.
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