A transdisciplinary approach to address the exclusion processes of the food regime for Mexico’s small-scale fishers and farmers

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Tlacaelel Rivera-Núñez
A. Minerva Arce-Ibarra


Mexico is one of the few countries that combine fishing and agricultural legacies. Despite the social importance and central role of food production, Mexican public policies have largely abandoned small-scale producers over the last four decades. Moreover, they have been relegated to the status of weakest link in the economic logic of the global food regime. Since Mexico signed the first North American Free Trade Agreement, small-scale fishers and farmers have faced five main problems: dismantling of means of production, erosion of organizational capabilities, disadvantageous commercial logic that limits access to favorable markets, westernization of diets, and frequent periods of food insecurity. This study addresses the following research question, how, in the face of the exclusion processes of the current food regime, the abandonment of public policies and erosion of most of the sectoral organizational capacities in Mexico, can small-scale fishers and farmers, as well as urban and rural consumers improve their productive, commercial and food problems within their living contexts? We introduced a novel transdisciplinary context-specific approach, based on our research experience in fishing and farming communities of the Yucatan Peninsula. Finally, we outline innovation niches that could lead to relocate regional food systems through complementarities between coastal and inland areas. 


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Rivera-Núñez, T., & Arce-Ibarra, A. M. (2024). A transdisciplinary approach to address the exclusion processes of the food regime for Mexico’s small-scale fishers and farmers. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(33), 273–296. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2024.33.88249

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