Rich picture as a tool for expressing gender inequality in organizations: an approach through soft system

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Heriberto Niccolas-Morales
Jazmín Georgina Licona-Olmos
Jaime Garnica González
Antonio Oswaldo Ortega Reyes


The rich picture of a problem situation as a tool to support the analysis processes when trying to make change interventions to create some improvement offers a viable and useful alternative to overcome the challenges faced by organizations in Mexico in the context of gender inequality. The article aims to describe what a rich picture is in soft systems methodology, the advantages and disadvantages it offers, as well as the elaboration process that was carried out to obtain a rich picture of gender inequality in organizations in the state of Hidalgo. The rich picture obtained is also described and an approach to the problem situation represented by gender inequality in organizations is proposed. The research method that guides the process is framed, on the one hand, in the qualitative paradigm, with documentary and graphic review about rich pictures and gender inequality in organizations. On the other hand, information collected through an online questionnaire is used to support the recognition of patterns. The result is a rich picture of gender inequality seen as a complex problem and it is concluded that this phase of soft systems methodology can be applicable to the study of gender inequality and facilitate intervention processes in search of awareness and improvements in management processes in organizations. 


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How to Cite
Niccolas-Morales, H., Licona-Olmos, J. G., Garnica González, J., & Ortega Reyes, A. O. (2024). Rich picture as a tool for expressing gender inequality in organizations: an approach through soft system. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(33), 85–115.

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