Pachuca’s mining industrial architectural heritage and social identity. Mathematical model towards the process of the phenomenon

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Elizabeth Lozada-Amador
Francisco Omar Lagarda-García
Juan Bacilio Guerrero-Escamilla


In the analysis of social phenomena such as the present case study, it is not always easy to analyze them in depth and, therefore, to provide proposals that contribute to it, starting only from theoretical bases. Resorting to the statistical discipline is increasingly necessary to better understand this type of phenomenon. It has been said, that the appropriation of the architectural heritage is necessary to reinforce the collective identity; but, in order to know how it is achieved or what elements or social actions favor it, a mathematical model was made based on the results of a survey, whose reagents are related to the identification of the cultural elements of Pachuca, among them and as a response variable, part of its mining industrial architectural legacy. The objective was to detect the social link that exists between inhabitants and heritage, and, at the same time, to identify the variables that most affect it. 


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How to Cite
Lozada-Amador, E., Lagarda-García, F. O., & Guerrero-Escamilla, J. B. (2024). Pachuca’s mining industrial architectural heritage and social identity. Mathematical model towards the process of the phenomenon. INTER DISCIPLINA, 12(33), 39–57.

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