Exploration of the development of interdisciplinary competence in teacher educators through the design of statistical projects

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Gessure Abisaí Espino-Flores
Ana Luisa Gómez-Blancarte
Santiago Inzunza Cazares


The current approaches of the curricula of the Mexican Higher Secondary and Higher Education demand the development of interdisciplinary knowledge that requires the articulation of knowledge from different disciplines to address complex problems. Faced with these demands, teachers encounter challenges to, among other issues, design and implement teaching strategies that address interdisciplinary work in their classrooms. In this article, we report advances of broader research that studies the use of statistical projects as a resource to promote interdisciplinary competence. Based on the literature review, we defined four characteristics of this competence: disciplinary comprehension, disciplinary integration, reflexivity, and, production and exchange of boundary objects. This article aims to explore the development of these characteristics by teacher educators from different disciplinary areas during the planning of a statistical project. The results show, on the one hand, the complexity required the teacher educators to find and formulate a research problem that articulates their disciplinary expertise; on the other hand, the potential of the design and planning of statistical projects seems to have for promoting the development of the characteristics that define an interdisciplinary competence.


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How to Cite
Espino-Flores, G. A., Gómez-Blancarte, A. L., & Inzunza Cazares, S. (2023). Exploration of the development of interdisciplinary competence in teacher educators through the design of statistical projects. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(29), 333–357. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2023.29.84494

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