Peace journalism for migration

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Susana Jeanine Mondragón Aguilar


The interest of this article is to address the coverage of migration in two Mexican digital media outlets, which often limit themselves to reporting the phenomenon as an emergency event, where the relevant figures are the numbers of migrants seeking to reach the northern border of the country, the migration routes and the acts of violence linked to these movements. The article discusses the need to build journalistic narratives on migration that address it from varied informative proposals, since looking at it from the informative discourse implies adding ways of understanding it as a phenomenon of modernity, in addition to establishing an agenda with different angles regarding the complexity of the phenomenon, from a vision of the so-called peace journalism and, above all, to present information based on a specialization in the subject.


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How to Cite
Mondragón Aguilar, S. J. (2023). Peace journalism for migration. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(29), 151–166.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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