Diagnóstico del website FAD-UABC desde la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann, a través de la visualización de redes Diagnosis of the FAD-UABC website from Luhmann’s systems theory, through network visualization

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Jorge Alberto Cid Cruz
María Angélica Castro Caballero


A transdisciplinary approach was proposed for the analysis of the FAD-UABC website to innovate in the methods used to diagnose websites. The study was based on the information architecture of the website to later be conceptualized as a mediator within the FAD-UABC ‘social systems’ based on Luhmann’s systems theory, the category “improbability of communication” was established as an evaluation criterion. For its diagnosis, a series of computer-mediated analyzes were carried out through ‘network visualization’ and ‘information architecture’ and the evaluation was verified with a tour through the website, from which screenshots were obtained as evidence that was translated into an evaluation table. Subsequently, a discussion of the results was elaborated, and recommendations were drawn up for the redesign of the website. The work may have an impact in the field of social sciences, as a reference for the study of social relationships generated with digital technologies and the Internet, as well as for the field of design and computer science when the objective is to redesign websites with a social science approach.


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How to Cite
Cid Cruz, J. A., & Castro Caballero, M. A. (2023). Diagnóstico del website FAD-UABC desde la teoría de sistemas de Luhmann, a través de la visualización de redes: Diagnosis of the FAD-UABC website from Luhmann’s systems theory, through network visualization. INTER DISCIPLINA, 11(30), 265–290. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485705e.2023.30.82812

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Author Biographies

Jorge Alberto Cid Cruz, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México.

Profesor de tiempo completo en la Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfico, maestría y doctorado en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño y responsable del Laboratorio de Mediaciones Digitales para el Diseño de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño, UABC. Campus Mexicali.

María Angélica Castro Caballero, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, México.

Profesora de tiempo completo e investigadora, líder del Cuerpo Académico Diseño Gráfico Aplicado y Candidata SNI.


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