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Frambel Lizárraga Salas


These issue show us from different disciplines and perspectives the topic of migration: its causes, effects and consequences both for expelling governments and recipients of immigrants, and above all, for the population of undocumented immigrants, who in their search for a better life and reach the “American dream” are victims of discrimination, racism, xenophobia, trafficking in persons, and in addition, are stereotyped with an image of “criminals” or “rapists”, as well as those responsible for the economic crises that have faced developed countries, especially the United States, without there being a deep and solid explanation about the origin of these migrations in the global era, and without recognizing the contributions that migrants have made to their country of origin. In that sense, the governments of both Mexico and the United States face new challeng­es to solve the negative consequences of this migratory process, as well as to offer better opportunities to their citizens.


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How to Cite
Lizárraga Salas, F. (2019). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 7(18), 15–20. Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/69546

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