Interdisciplinarity at the Autonomus University of Queretaro, an urgent chalenge. The experience of the Faculty of Philosophy

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Edgar Belmont Cortés
Mónica Ribeiro Palacios
Margarita Espinosa Blas


Beyond justifying the relevance of interdisciplinary knowledge, it is relevant to reflect on institutional frameworks and regulatory mechanisms that frame the academic education and the scientific production. The purpose of this essay is to share the strategies developed by the academic staff of the “Facultad de Filosofía” at the “Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (uaq), that encourages a collaborative work in construction of the PhD programme in “Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Pensamiento, Cultura y Sociedad” as well as the work done at the “Centro de Investigación Interdisciplinaria”, both projects are articulated
and support each other. From on these efforts, there is a search for creating an institutional platform that debates the fragmented logic that rules in the current uaq programmes and
also in the external financing systems. The joint of both experiences aims to generate languages, ideologies and methodologies shared among the disciplines, but also to reinforce the importance of generating knowledge, a explicit belonging, as well as ethical and social commitment.
The aim is that research projects have an impact on several sectors, not only in institutional statistics.


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How to Cite
Belmont Cortés, E., Ribeiro Palacios, M., & Espinosa Blas, M. (2016). Interdisciplinarity at the Autonomus University of Queretaro, an urgent chalenge. The experience of the Faculty of Philosophy. INTER DISCIPLINA, 4(10).

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