Reflections on current knowledge in the context of a program of interdisciplinary studies at the University of Valparaiso, Chile

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Gustavo Celedón


In the context of dei–uv (PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies on Thought, Culture and Society at the University of Valparaíso), this article think about the forms of knowledge in currents conditions. These thoughts belong to the politic context that govern today the academic work everywhere and they be nourished by the demands that the humanities and arts make today to the research’s institutions of Chile. It proposes the idea of a plural practice
capable to associate the diversities and rests of the disciplinary world.


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How to Cite
Celedón, G. (2016). Reflections on current knowledge in the context of a program of interdisciplinary studies at the University of Valparaiso, Chile. INTER DISCIPLINA, 4(10).

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