Citizenship and citizenship in the context of inequality
Contenido principal del artículo
In this paper citizenship as a concept and as a practice analyzes, linking the phenomenon of inequality, as in the case of Mexico, has increased citizen differentiation despite the universal “recognition” of the right to have rights. Understanding citizenship as a complex and differentiated process of social construction, will help understand the role of individuals, institutions (such as schools), governments and civil society. It is intended that this paper contributes to the debate on the processes of citizenship (democratic) who are in crisis, emphasizing a fundamental part: the undemocratic civics that appears socially very solid and rooted, and need to reflect on it, within frame building democracy in an environment of inequality.
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Cómo citar
Nolasco Najera, J. (2018). Citizenship and citizenship in the context of inequality. HistoriAgenda, 3(34), 25–36. Recuperado a partir de
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