Las mujeres en el mundo laboral mexicano (1950-2000)
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Women in the Mexican labor market world (1950-2000). An analysis of the gradual integration of women into the paid labor arises. Between Fifties and Seventies, changes at home, consumption, morale and sustained economic growth allowed hasten workers. From the Eighties, when a deep economic crisis which was experienced, a quantitative change occurs in the rate of return to work, largely to defend the level of family income. By the end of the millennium, women had an undeniable presence at work. Now the challenge is equity in pay and job opportunities
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Cómo citar
Pérez Ávila, A. (2018). Las mujeres en el mundo laboral mexicano (1950-2000). HistoriAgenda, 3(33), 138–145. Recuperado a partir de
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