Mujeres y Tribunales en la Nueva España: Malos tratos y despojo de bienes
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Women in history and academic works have been articulated on various topics, concerning the issue of violence and power structures between men and women, historiography, shows unprotected woman in a unique behavioral submissive role and void social mobility. However some women of individual character were presented to novohispanos courts to lodge complaints against their spouses, even before they adopted mechanisms such as insubordination to try to end the plunder of property and bad treatment inflicted by her husband. It is clear that women accept violence or resisted under suitable mechanisms
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Cómo citar
Mendoza Gutiérrez, V. H. (2018). Mujeres y Tribunales en la Nueva España: Malos tratos y despojo de bienes. HistoriAgenda, 3(33), 65–73. Recuperado a partir de
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