Three Approaches of theDidactics of History

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Oscar Mendoza Ramírez


We refer main conceptions of three approaches to re-search on the didactic process in the teaching of history (academicism, cognitive constructivist theory and sociocul-tural) and retake three main ideas of these approaches, in order to give examples about some problems that we have to face and solve in the exercise of our teaching.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Ramírez, O. (2024). Three Approaches of theDidactics of History. Eutopía, 10(26), 23–32. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Oscar Mendoza Ramírez, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, UNAM

Licenciado en Sociología por la ENEP Aragón de la UNAM. Profesor titular “C” de Tiempo Completo Definitivo adscrito al Plantel Oriente del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, donde imparte la asignatura de Historia de México. Además es autor del libro de texto Raíces del Estado y la Nacionalidad Mexicana.