El Ateneo de la Juventud: una episteme barroquizante

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Arcelia Lara Covarrubias


The Ateneo de la Juventud founded a new episteme–a new way of perceiving, classifying, and defining knowledge. It developed the interplay with capitalism in a ‘baroquish’ way. Their revolution took place in works of thought. Its way of reaction was similar to a baroque ethos. Beauty became the principal concept in their civilizing program. They dialogued with the ancient and modern West, and placed humanities in the forefront. They renewed the classical world, and renewed themselves, the intellectual product being the essay.


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How to Cite
Lara Covarrubias, A. (2013). El Ateneo de la Juventud: una episteme barroquizante. Eutopía, 5(17). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/eutopia/article/view/42194

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