School Violence: A matter of Rights

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Marina Giangiacomo


For those of us who work in the field of education, expressions of violence with the school as the backdrop have become a constant subject of reflection and analysis. The concept of violence itself is the subject of debate, its being a multi-causal, political phenomenon. However, there is general consensus as to the role the school plays not only as a producer and reinforcer of violent behavior, but also as a reproducer of the violent situations which surround it. That is, the school acts as a generator of situations of violence or as a vicious sounding board of the surroundings.

Within this apparently desolate scene, the solution resides in finding possibilities of change, improving education, reinventing the sense of educational community, thinking of school from the standpoint of esponsibilities, but above all from the point of view of possibilities which are put forward by the task of educating every day.

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Cómo citar
Giangiacomo, M. (2016). School Violence: A matter of Rights. Trabajo Social UNAM, (4), 139–143.

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