Trabajo social en el sistema penitenciario. Experiencia en Jalisco/México

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Angélica Rivera Ortega


Social work is directly involved in government institutions, making the social worker a public servant who integrates and forms part of governments and in the specific case of the penitentiary system, has labor and moral obligations with people deprived of their liberty. However, the financial remuneration of this professional does not have a fair and objective relationship with his professional position in the prison system.

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How to Cite
Rivera Ortega, A. . (2024). Trabajo social en el sistema penitenciario. Experiencia en Jalisco/México. Trabajo Social UNAM, (35), 145–156. Retrieved from

Citas en Dimensions Service


“Aprendí que en las prisiones se encuentran aquellos que han querido distraer en su reclusión, un cúmulo de historias incómodas, que no han podido tomar como experiencias para aprender a vivir mejor”.

Angélica Rivera Ortega