School violence A blurry emerging problem in the public policy of the federal district

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Efrain E. Reyes Romero


This article addresses how school violence has positioned itself as an emerging social problem. Based on this, the expression of this violence will be reflected as an extreme and reiterated phenomenon, showing the ways in which we have come to know it better.
We will identify the subjects which are part of a triad which allows for harassment and bullying in schools. We will also expound on the part the school plays as a space which is favorable for situations of school harassment both inside the school and in the surrounding area. Later we refer to a new form of harassment which goes beyond School violence A blurry emerging problem in the public policy of the federal district Efraín E. Reyes Romero The family, school, community and symbolic centers of reference no longer assure habits and models of social conduct which were once acceptable physical interaction and transcends the sphere of digital means and social networks, that is cyberbullying.
Once the general comments on this emerging problem are presented,
a brief look will be taken at the incipient social and institutional
answers to bullying, specifically in Mexico City. In contrast,
reference will be made to experiences which have been effective and
therefore encouraging in other parts of the world and which may
serve as references for the development of new strategies in Mexico
and the Federal District. Finally, in concluding, we present some general
guidelines which allow social work to build strategies for intervention
from the social field in the face of this calamity which is being
established as an expression of the violence which affects coexistence
in everyday life in our contemporary society

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How to Cite
Reyes Romero, E. E. (2016). School violence A blurry emerging problem in the public policy of the federal district. Trabajo Social UNAM, (4), 13–124.

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