Development and Reliminary Analysis of the Bullying and Victimization Scale for Youth

Main Article Content

Douglas C. Smith
Jessica Campain
Andrew Stuck


Research on bullying has been hampered by the lack of consistency
in terms of how bullying is defined and measured. There is, at present,
a lack of trustworthy information regarding this phenomenon,
and it is likely that the divergence in the information obtained can
be attributed to the lack of consensus among experts and those
interested in the field. Thus, this article proposes, after a general
review of the case, to present the development of a transnational
scale to measure bullying and other forms of peer victimization at
the secondary school level in a sample of public middle schools in
the Northwestern United States

Article Details

How to Cite
C. Smith, D., Campain, J., & Stuck, A. (2016). Development and Reliminary Analysis of the Bullying and Victimization Scale for Youth. Trabajo Social UNAM, (4), 27–38.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Andrew Stuck

University of Southern Oregon