Physiotherapy in the physical and sport readaptation process by using gym training with a patient after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A clinical case

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Raúl Ernesto Cortés González
Mauricio Alberto Ravelo Izquierdo


Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture has a big incidence in athletes; the surgical procedures is vital for the restoration of its function, but without post-surgical physical therapy, the surgery will not fulfill the expectations. This article discusses the case of a female patient, a 28-year-old recreational soccer player, with a surgical intervention for the reconstruction of the left ACL with a semitendinosus autograph. She received a physiotherapy treatment for 7 months by a macrocycle of periodized training for biological recovery phases using gym and sport functional training. At the end of treatment, the healthy limb showed 135° in knee flexion, 48 centimeters in thigh circumference, 28 reps in leg curl and 30 reps in leg extension, while the affected limb showed 130° in knee flexion, 46.5 centimeters in thigh circumference, 26 reps in leg curl and 28 reps in leg extension. The treatment can be used as a guide to manage ACL reconstructions and other knee injuries.


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How to Cite
Cortés González, R. E., & Ravelo Izquierdo, M. A. (2017). Physiotherapy in the physical and sport readaptation process by using gym training with a patient after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. A clinical case. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(12).
Author Biography

Mauricio Alberto Ravelo Izquierdo, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, Unidad León /UNAM

Doctor en Pedagogía, maestro en Gestión Deportiva, licenciado en Terapia Física y Rehabilitación, entrenador en Acondicionamiento Físico Integral. Profesor Titular “A” en la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, unidad León, UNAM. Líneas de investigación: Uso de pesas en fisioterapia y Humanismo médico.