Evaluation of the effect of the Hotz presurgical orthopedic appliance in a patient with LPH. Case report

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Daniel González Abundez
Tatiana Dinorah Mondragón Báez
Jesús Benjamín López Núñez
Guillermo Ortiz Villagómez
Mónica Ortiz Villagómez
Alicia Terán Alcocer


The cleft lip and palate are congenital deformities of a multifactorial origin, which occur during the 6th and 8th weeks of the fetal development. Etiology:genetic and environmental factors that affect the fusion of the labial and palate formation during embryonic development, which causedisorders related to eating, breathing, speaking, chewing, swallowing, phonetics, esthetics and self-esteem. Therefore, it is important to conduct an orthopedic rehabilitation in order to achieve an adequate development and growth of the estomatognatic system. Objective:to evaluate and quantify the effects produced by Hotzpresurgical orthopedicsin a patient with cleft lip and palate (LPH), from the placement of such devices to the first surgery. Report of the case: A two-month- old male LPH patientis admitted to the Clinic for Cleftlip and Palate patients in the National School of Higher Studies,León campus. Pathological background: complete unilateral left cleftlip and palate. Treatment:placement of presurgical orthopedics. Results: The use of an orthopedic device previous to surgery provided containmentin the anterior sector, helping the dental arch in the primary surgery during labioplastics, achieving less aggressive mucoperiostealjoining, preserving the space between alveolar processes and that of the cleft in the anteriorzone, while in the posterior zone it provided the patient with a better and more functional nutritional suction. Conclusions: The presurgical device and the surgery may be significatively efficient for a better maxillofacial development, getting better arch shape and passive alignment in patients with cleftlip and palate, being helped for feeding in postnatalhood.


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González Abundez, D., Mondragón Báez T. D., López Núñez, J. B., Ortiz Villagómez, G., Ortiz Villagómez, M., & Terán Alcocer, A. (2017). Evaluation of the effect of the Hotz presurgical orthopedic appliance in a patient with LPH. Case report. Entreciencias: Diálogos En La Sociedad Del Conocimiento, 5(12). https://doi.org/10.21933/J.EDSC.2017.12.208