Bicephalous eagle and the mythological Otomi configuration of San Pablito

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Arturo Gómez Martínez


The bicephalous eagle is a mythical entity whose exploits gave rise to the Otomi, town of San Pablito. It is credited with the creation of the sun and moon, the moral order, and textile art. It is present in therapeutic rituals and requests for rain. As ruler of the air, evil ritualists dedicate offerings and prayers to restore health and to ensure economic welfare.

It is represented in the ceremonial paper cuts used as an offerings. Women embroider their quechquemitls as emblems and it serves in their narratives; in textiles its representations are mitogramas, elements alluding to the mythical.

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How to Cite
Gómez Martínez, A. (2015). Bicephalous eagle and the mythological Otomi configuration of San Pablito. Estudios De Cultura Otopame, 8(1). Retrieved from

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