La inaplicación del <i>canon americano</i> sobre libertad de información en Venezuela

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Eduardo Meier García


The author argues that the Constitutional Tribunal of the Supreme Court of Venezuela has ignore the American cannon on freedom of speech and freedom of information, has fail to comply with the resolutions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and has claimed against the Inter- American Commission on Human Rights. He further analyzes the enforcement of the State’s obligation to respect and protect the rights of the people and human groups under its jurisdiction. The conclusion points that in Venezuela persist certain loyalties that override the rational processes grounded on the law and the institutions, based on the Venezuela’ Constitution, the International Law on Human Rights and the supremacy of human rights.

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How to Cite
Meier García, E. (2011). La inaplicación del <i>canon americano</i> sobre libertad de información en Venezuela. Derecho Comparado De La Información, (18). Retrieved from

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