Indicadores de gestión en materia de derecho de acceso a la información

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Perla Gómez Gallardo
César Octavio Vargas Téllez


In this article the authors analyze the constitutional reform of article 6 in Mexico, focusing on the origin and need to make publicly available the government performance indicators. Authors present an economical approach to study the benefits of having transparent government performance indicators, such as a better information quality in the procurement and the public policies decision making processes. They lastly present the idea to create a system of performance indicators to study and compare public resources in different levels of government.

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How to Cite
Gómez Gallardo, P., & Vargas Téllez, C. O. (2011). Indicadores de gestión en materia de derecho de acceso a la información. Derecho Comparado De La Información, (16). Retrieved from

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