Water quality of three wells of the center zone of Cuautla-Yautepec Aquifer, Morelos, Mexico

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Robles Valderrama Esperanza
Elizabeth Ramírez Flores
Reynaldo Ayala Patiño
Ángel Durán Díaz
María de Guadalupe Sáinz Morales
María Elena Martínez Pérez
Blanca Martínez Rodríguez
María Elena González Arreaga


The objective of this paper is to assess the bacteriological and physicochemical quality of the middle area of the aquifer of Cuautla-Yautepec, Morelos, Mexico. Monthly samplings were carried out during a year, taking samples from three wells. Two bacteriological and 17 physicochemical parameters were analyzed. A discriminate analysis was performed to know the variability of wells, and according with it, nine parameters were grouped in one function that explains 98.37 % of the variability. According with Mahalanobis distances it was observed that well 1 was separated of the wells 2 and 3. The three wells presented hard water (value above 180 mg/l total hardness as CaCO3). Well 1, located in the lower area, had the highest mean hardness (389.8 mg/l) of the type carbonated and no carbonated. Physicochemical parameter mean were lower than the maximum permissible limits of the Mexican Standard NOM-127-SSA1-1994 for drinking water, exception of pH in wells 2 and 3. Well one presented the highest content of dissolved solids. The detection of bacterial contamination in the aquifer indicates the filtration of bacteria from wastewater that discharge to the ground and an inadequate construction or deficient protection of the wells. Water from the aquifer in this area meets the sanitary requirements for public water supply and drinking water.

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How to Cite
Valderrama Esperanza, R., Ramírez Flores, E., Ayala Patiño, R., Durán Díaz, Ángel, Sáinz Morales, M. de G., Martínez Pérez, M. E., Martínez Rodríguez, B., & González Arreaga, M. E. (2010). Water quality of three wells of the center zone of Cuautla-Yautepec Aquifer, Morelos, Mexico. BIOCYT Biología Ciencia Y Tecnología, 3. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.20072082.2010.3.19001

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