Determinación cuantitativa del grado de riesgo de incendio en una empresa

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Apolinar Yáñez Vargas


An analysis of the methodology were performed to determining the fire´s risk rate which is referenced to in Appendix A of the NOM-002-STPS-2000, which is re-taken, textually, in the NOM-030-STPS-2006 with relation to health and safety´s preventive services into the work - Organization and functions (STPS, 2006) ending with it´s a qualitative determination, therefore, subjective and an ambiguities' easy prey. Company is a single entity and it's much more than the sum of its parts, to analyze their fire's risk rate is required a quantitative and objective determination and thus an ambiguities difficult prey, so it's proposed the development and implementation of a methodology to determining the fire's risk rate. Determining the fire's risk rate in the enterprise or workplace, the employer must select and qualify the format that most looks like to the characteristics of his company or workplace. Later, will compare the sum of points obtained against the scoring criteria to determine the risk rate in the enterprise or workplace. Fire's risk rate quantitative determination, being a numerical determination, has the advantage that two evaluations in the same stage, performed by two different and competent peoples in their field, will get invariably the same results.

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How to Cite
Yáñez Vargas, A. (2010). Determinación cuantitativa del grado de riesgo de incendio en una empresa. BIOCYT Biología Ciencia Y Tecnología, 2.